WCISA - Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association - Mission
WCISA Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association
North American Suppliers of Wire and Cable Machinery, Materials and Accessories


WCISA® · Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association® - is a nonprofit corporate membership association of North American suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories used for making all types of wire and cable. Members are based in or have an established subsidiary in North America. WCISA’s mission is to promote its member's products and services by providing its members with representation, networking/social opportunities and services at wire and cable trade events and conferences. WCISA is active in wire and cable trade events and conferences throughout the world, in varying capacities, including as an exhibitor, supporter, sponsor and outing organizer. WCISA also awards to scholarships to employees and dependents of member companies as well as partner associations.

In 2025 and 2026, WCISA is supporting and participating in the following events and organizations:



In 2025, WCISA is offering the annual WCISA Scholarship Program; applications are due July 31, 2025.

Past WCISA Scholarship winners can be seen in the WCISA NEWS WIRE section.

WCISA Directory 2024: Flipbook Edition
WCISA Directory 2024: PDF Edition







Click here for information on becoming a WCISA Member Company.
Click here for information on WCISA Member Benefits.





WCISA · 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd · Akron, OH 44313 USA · Tel 330 864-2122 · Fax 330 864-5298

WCISA management services are provided by Wire & Cable Technology International, www.wiretech.com